Dental X-rays or radiographs are low level radiation images of your teeth used to evaluate your oral health.
They help us evaluate growth of permanent teeth in children, identify abscesses, tooth decay or impacted teeth and are also used to evaluate bone levels around teeth or implants.
Dental x-rays are typically taken yearly or more often if a problem needs to be re-evaluated. Dental x-rays do involve radiation, but exposure levels are low with digital x-rays although pregnant women should still avoid them.
If you’re a new patient we’ll take a panoramic x-ray of your teeth so that your dentist can get a clear picture of your whole mouth and properly assess your oral health. For this you’ll stand by a machine which rotates around your head.
Intra-oral (peri-apical or bitewing) x-rays are taken inside your mouth using a frame and digital sensor. For this you’ll lie down in the dental chair. This kind of x-ray shows a lot of detail.
Cone beam CT (CBCT) is a form of computed tomography where x-ray images are reconstructed with a computer to deliver a 3D image. They are very detailed, 3D images and a great aid in endodontic diagnostics and implant planning in our practice.
Having healthy teeth and a check-up clearing you from any dental problems is a big relief, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep getting x-rays. Be committed to routine check-up’s which include dental x-rays to detect and address problems early on and prevent untimely, expensive dental emergencies and treatment.
Learn more about oral health here.
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